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Engineering and EPC

Engineering and EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) services are essential supports for the hydropower and dams industry. These companies and products can support construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, environmental needs and much more.


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Waterpower Hydro Basics - How Projects Are Regulated

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 | 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM | Room 301

Join peers within topic-rated sessions dedicated to Waterpower Hydro Basics. This session provided an overview and information on how hydropower projects become regulated.

This session will cover:

  • National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) 
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 
  • U.S. Federal Projects 
  • How Projects are Regulated Outside the U.S.




How to Bid for Hydropower Contracts with Power Producers

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 | 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM | Room 302

Join our exclusive workshop tailored for suppliers eager to engage with key power-producing companies. Gain invaluable insights into upcoming projects open for bidding, learn the ropes on accessing opportunities, and understand the criteria to qualify as a potential supplier. Delve into expert presentations from distinguished representatives of the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Reclamation. Uncover vital information essential for securing new business ventures in this dynamic sector. Seize this opportunity to forge lucrative partnerships and propel your business forward.


View all New Engineering and EPC Educational Opportunities

9:20 AM
    • Waterpower Hydro Basics
    Pre-registration for this event is required. This event includes an additional fee unless you have an All Access pass. Visit your registration resource center or reach out to to re ...
1:00 PM
    • Waterpower Hydro Basics 2
    Pre-registration for this event is required. This event includes an additional fee unless you have an All Access pass. Visit your registration resource center or reach out to to re ...
1:30 PM
    • Workshop
    Rehabilitation of existing hydroelectric facilities is a major business opportunity. With existing assets continuing to age, and hydropower even more important as a baseload resource to support interm ...
10:45 AM
    • Industry Trends and Analysis
    Hydropower and pumped storage play important roles in a power grid with a high renewable share. Future power grid scenario studies explore hydropower's role and the uncertainty of new development. Mea ...
11:15 AM
    • KNOWLEDGE HUB Equipment and Technology
    Exhibit Floor Booth 127
    Many dams have been destroyed or at risk of destruction when spillway gates did not open when they should have. Overspill spillways are the most reliable, but labyrinth spillways should be considered ...
11:30 AM
    • Environmental Issues and Water Management
    Detailed, accurate rainfall-runoff analyses based on one- to two-week lead-time forecasts of precipitation are critical for quantifying the response of rivers and streams, threats to the public, and p ...
1:45 PM
    • Environmental Issues and Water Management
    The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) uses several mitigation techniques to improve dissolved oxygen (DO) and water temperature of the released water through turbines. One of these techniques, describe ...
2:30 PM
    • Industry Trends and Analysis
    In this presentation, the speaker will present different electrical issues or troubleshooting problems to the audience to see how they would have fixed/repaired a problem. The speaker will provide the ...
    • New Development
    This technical session will provide case studies of hydro development related to several technical aspects, including cofferdams, powerhouses, water conveyances, and equipment (turbine, generator, con ...
3:15 PM
    • Industry Trends and Analysis
    Microgrid deployment in remote communities often fails due to environmental challenges, inadequate community engagement, uncertain system ownership, limited local technical expertise, and financial is ...
    • KNOWLEDGE HUB Equipment and Technology
    Exhibit Floor Booth 127
    Completed in 1984, the 1,800 MW Dinorwig Pumped Storage Hydro (PSH) powerplant in Wales, UK, remains the largest PSH in Europe. Dinorwig has always played a critical role in maintaining the stability ...

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