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Emanuele Quaranta

Emanuele Quaranta

Scientific Officer- Researcher, European Commission
Emanuele Quaranta is a scientific officer at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (Ocean and Water Unit). From 2014 to 2019 he was a researcher at Politecnico di Torino, where he achieved the PhD in 2017. He is a hydraulic engineer whose research field is within the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus, focusing especially on hydropower and its interference with the environment, sustainable developments, and innovative technologies.  Dr. Quaranta performs scientific analyses in support of policy strategies for the European Union, collaborating with several institutions and agencies, and is also very active in technology development and innovations in the water-energy field, collaborating with international companies and research centers. Dr. Quaranta is also a scientific divulgator and writer for magazines and issues edited by international companies and associations and a scientific consultant for companies on water wheels. 

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